• Welcome To Strawberry Shift

Where You will Discover
a New Way Of Coaching- Coaching From The Heart. 

I'm very happy you were here!
  • Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned On!

One of my mentors, and favorite
authors - richard rudd says

“The true meaning and purpose of life is only to be found within one’s heart.” 
That is also why we use the symbol of a strawberry - because according to the Native Americans the strawberry symbolizes the heart and represents the Zeal Of God, what we interpret as enthusiasm for love ❤️

Mandy Keene

My name is

Mandy Keene

After 25 years in the coaching industry, and completing over 35,000 hours of one on one sessions, I have gained a clarity about what it takes to make the impact I know your heart desires to make as a Coach.

The most shocking news is what it takes is the opposite of what is being taught still today in the most popular coaching certifications, and from the most famous coaching gurus in our industry - and that is by design.

You not only deserve the truth, your future clients need you to know the truth so that you can be empowered. This is what we do here at Strawberry Shift.
What We Do

You Not Only Deserve The Truth, Your Future Clients Need You To Know The Truth So That You Can Be Empowered. 

This is what we do here at Strawberry Shift. 

The First Step Is For You To Discover The Truth. 

When you opt in to our weekly newsletter, you’ll also receive a link to join our free Facebook group -Compassionate Coaching From The Heart - this is where I give thousands of dollars worth of coach training for free.

Why do I do that? Because I’m not doing this for the money, this is a mission, this is my passion, this is my soul’s purpose, because I know the ripple effect of how powerful you will become once you know this information - and that - my friend - is what I care about. 
Subscribe to Our Weekly Newsletter
and receive a link to join our free Facebook group - Compassionate Coaching From The Heart 

Two hearts are stronger than one.

Unite for Empowerment

I Couldn’t Do This Alone - None Of Us Can  

After 25 years of coaching I've been repeatedly reminded that we need more than anything else is EACH OTHER. We need community, we need to be in the conversation of compassion, joy, love, and connection. We need to experience ourselves being seen, heard, and understood, in order to be able to easily provide that experience to clients.

Again, I’m very happy you are here, and I look forward to meeting you and celebrating your success as an Empowered Coach! 

“Compassion Is Not Religious Business,
It Is Human Business, It Is Not Luxury, It Is Essential For Our Own Peace And Mental Stability, It Is Essential For Human Survival.” 

— Dalai Lama
Life Coach

I’ve been blessed with a rewarding career as a professional Life Coach

And what I’ve uncovered as the truth about transformation and becoming truly free will shock you. It will shock you because it’s not what our $13 billion dollar self-help industry teaches. It’s definitely not what coaches are being taught.
After 25 years of a lot of trial and error, I’ve been humbled to discover what we ALL crave and how to get it. My clients have been my greatest teachers, coaching people from all walks of life: from the Billionaire in Dubai to the Hollywood Star, to successful marketers, to stay-at-home moms, professional athletes, college professors, and all types of entrepreneurs. 
Ya know what I learned?

“It is not money, it is not power, it is not fame, it’s not even beauty that you crave, it is FREEDOM

Yet, we are strongly hypnotized into believing that money, power, image, and status will fill that void we all want to fill.

To Become FREE We Need

Two Essential Things:

We need a compassionate approach to our freedom.

It takes a village to experience true freedom.

(or in our case, a community)
The definition of compassion is understanding suffering. That’s why we need to understand-- on a mind, body, and soul level-- WHY we are suffering (not free).

Freedom Is Not Believing But Knowing Who You Are And Why You Are Here.

— Mandy Keene
Acknowledge Our Nature

We Are Wired To Thrive In Tribes.

Humans evolved that way, really thousands of years ago, we figured out that by being a part of a close-knit, supportive community of like-minded people, we could not only survive, but enjoy abundance even in the most challenging circumstances.
That's what’s missing for most of us today
We have the innate desire to be free, but we seek it in places that only create more suffering.
  • “I wish everyone could get rich and famous and have everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that's not the answer.”
  • — Jim Carrey 
Instead of doing this alone, wouldn’t it make more sense to be where everyone is
dedicated to their true freedom, and supporting one another every day?
Of course, it would!
And That's Why... We’d Like To Welcome You To

Our Free FB Group: Compassionate Coaching From The Heart

Inside our community, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with amazing people who - just like you - wanted the chance to Thrive and grow in a supportive, judgment-free Community. Surrounded by those who truly Understand.

Just as a candle does not lose its flame by lighting another candle, our community experiences consistently greater happiness and fulfillment by illuminating the true, unlimited light each of us possesses.

You see, that’s what makes Compassionate Coaching From The Heart more powerful and transformational than anything you can try by yourself.
Strawberry Shift

Our world needs coaches, great coaches, strong coaches, more now than ever. 

The distraction of “get rich quick” marketers are preventing so much good and impact from being made. It’s time for us to remember who we are, and why we are here - take our power back - and make the impact we came here to make! 
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